Sign up below for free mindfulness meditation resources

We’ve all heard about the myriad of benefits to having a regular meditation practice, including less reactivity, better emotional self-regulation, and more resilience. Make your transition into this unprecedented back to school season with the support of a mindfulness and meditation program designed by an educator for educators!

While the 21 Day Program is closed, you can sign up below for FREE short and simple meditations that help you manage your stress and be better able to sustainably support your family, friends, colleagues, students, and YOURSELF.


  • We start with micro-habits.  Much has been written about the power of starting new, beneficial habits.  You'll learn strategies to ease in to this daily habit in a way that doesn't feel difficult.

  • Keep your practice fresh.  Over the course of the program, you will be given a variety of practices to try.  Different lengths, different approaches.  Exposure to this sample pack of audio recordings will help you find the practice(s) that feel right for YOU.

  • Accessible and flexible.  Open the daily emails on your desktop, tablet or smartphone, and practice anywhere at any time.

  • You'll find your meditation "groove."  21 days will give you enough time to find what works for you and integrate a daily meditation practice into your life.  

  • Meditation isn’t difficult -- creating a daily habit is the tricky part.  The daily emails will be a gentle reminder to inspire you and support you with your daily meditation, no matter how brief.

  • Connect with a community. Once the program begins, you will be invited to join a private online group (not on social media) where members will receive additional support while sharing their challenges and their breakthroughs.

  • Weekly Live Practice + Q&A. Jump on any of our three LIVE practice calls via Zoom. Zoom calls will take place August 7th, August 14th, & August 21st at 4:00pm Mountain Time.

Curious about what it looks like? Here’s a peek at the page for August 1st.

(links not active in image below)