“Kristin’s mindful leadership has been instrumental in my practice. She has a way of encouraging without judgement and gently opening the doors to new ways to practice mindfulness.”
“Kristin’s differentiated and nonjudgmental style of teaching is just what I was looking for. I love that I can open emails and watch the videos according to my schedule needs, which has allowed me to still practice with her while living in Asia.”
“I owe Kristin a bit of gratitude. She introduced me to mindfulness with benevolence and grace and has continued to support and guide me through this process. With her help I have been able to give myself permission to take a breath, to sit quietly and to be in the present moment whatever that may be. Her teachings have become necessary part of my daily routines.”
“Kristin has a gift and shares it with her community in a soft, supportive way. I love having a bank of her guided meditations as a daily go to. Being a Teaching Balance member is like always having mindfulness in your back pocket!
“I have so much appreciated Kristin’s Teaching Balance videos and newsletter. Her style is very encouraging and non judgmental. This is exactly the type of personality that I need to help me learn and stay motivated on this path!”
“Kristin has a cool, relaxing attitude with her writing and services, never taking herself too seriously, making mindfulness beginners like me feel comfortable with whatever they are able to do. Her encouraging and supportive style keeps my mindfulness journey moving forward.”
“Kristin has given me the tools I need to keep practicing mindfulness. She makes it convenient for me to meditate with her when I need it. Her approach is very realistic and I am encouraged after every video. Mindfulness is really changing my life and how I deal with students. Thank you Kristin for making this possible and so easy.”
“Finding my center amidst my chaos can be challenging. Kristin has helped me recognize my need to find little mindful moments in my otherwise crazy days.”
“Kristin’s style of teaching connects; the connection is immediate, it is genuine, and it matters, greatly. The techniques of mindfulness I have learned through her teachings have made an positive impact on me both personally and professionally; however, it is both these techniques and her ability to connect that has adjusted the foundation of who I am as a person.”
“Along with the video practices that Kristin provides in weekly emails, I enjoy the monthly Teaching Balance newsletter emails which contain additional support materials. The links to articles, book suggestions/reviews, and her personal words of kindness and support are not only encouraging but also practical. Whether you are just beginning to practice mindfulness and meditation or have been doing it for years, it’s nice to know you’re not alone and that others are out there feeling and thinking the same way you are. I love how Kristin connects the practices to real-world events and shows us a multitude of ways to effect change in our lives for more peaceful, less stress-filled days. ”
“Kristin’s passion for mindfulness and meditation is contagious! I have had the opportunity to have her speak to my students, as well as personally practice her teachings and now that I am in a different building, I continue to follow her through her online resources. Kristin is incredibly compassionate and she knows just how stressful teaching (and also, being a student), can be. I always feel a sense of relief when she tells me I can stop beating myself up. I truly feel that I am more present in my life now and really trying to live more in the moment because of what I have learned from her! I look forward to this practice being a part of my life for years to come!”
photo credit: EJ Dilley