February 2023 - Self-Acceptance

February 2023 - Self-Acceptance

What would it feel like if you chose to unconditionally accept yourself as you are right now? To love yourself with all your human failings and imperfections (not in spite of them)?

Contrary to how it may seem, self-acceptance isn't about stagnating or giving up on evolving as a person. In fact, I find that self-acceptance provides the nurturing support that helps me continue to grow. The love and compassion we choose to offer ourselves doesn't need to be contingent on some activity or outcome. We are enough right now, in this moment, as-is.

January 2023 - New Year, New "No"

January 2023 - New Year, New “No”

When we think about saying no, what often comes to mind is politely declining requests from others for our time or our energy.

But instead of looking outward, what about turning inward and saying no to mental habits that don't serve us?

Can we set down some self-judgement, or perhaps some of the worries we carry around with us all the time? Even if it's just temporary, can we give ourselves a respite from feeling obligated to be perpetually productive?

My invitation to you this first month of a new year is to reflect on what thoughts, judgements, or fears are taking up valuable real estate in your mind, and to let them go so you can create a bit more mental breathing room for yourself.

December 2022 - Slowing Down & Savoring

December 2022 - Slowing Down & savoring

December is a busy month.

There are end of semester assessments, grading, and all the tasks necessary to close out one half of the year and prepare for the next. Then there are the winter holidays and all the extra activities and commitments that come with them.

In spite of all these demands, I would like to invite you to do something counterintuitive -- to slow down.

Allow yourself to intentionally PAUSE and SAVOR any small, everyday pleasures. Pay attention to the warmth and flavor of your morning coffee or tea. Notice the smiles and moments of joy the last week before break. Savor the special-ness of this time of year, and give yourself permission to REST.

November 2022 - Gratitude

November 2022 - Gratitude

There is something about the changing of the leaves this year that has repeatedly stopped me in my tracks and prompted me to enjoy and savor the stunning color of the trees, the sky, and the light. The beauty of this season has unyieldingly captured my attention, and more importantly, inspired my appreciation.

As we gently enter this season of celebration and giving thanks, my invitation to you is to take a moment from time to time to stop, look around, and appreciate all the beauty in your life. Falling leaves, smiling faces, kind words -- offer gratitude for anything that gives you pleasure and joy.

October 2022 - Self-Embodiment

October 2022 - Self-Embodiment

Work and school are back in full-swing. Already schedules are packed and there is so much going on. In this midst of this busyness, it is easy to lose sight of things that seem less urgent or important, including your health. We may find ourselves not getting enough sleep, eating what is convenient instead of what is nourishing, or choosing to check off another thing on your to-do list rather than taking time to move and stretch your body with intention.

This isn't about achieving some fitness ideal.

It is about the fact that the body you reside in is the only one you get. In order to keep doing the important things you need to do, it is supportive to slow down, tune into your body's signals, and do whatever you can to keep it in good working order.

September 2022 - Self-Advocacy

September 2022 - Self-Advocacy

If self-advocacy were easy, we would all consistently do it.

Self-advocacy often requires us to step outside our comfort zone, perhaps coming to the uncomfortable realization that we can't do it all. Advocating for ourselves may also necessitate putting other people in a position they would rather not be in by saying no or establishing boundaries. It is so much easier to just say yes and accommodate everyone else, but we all know it isn't sustainable.

My invitation to you this month is to reflect on how you can even more deeply embrace self-advocacy for the benefit of yourself and of others.

August 2022 - Being Gentle with Yourself

August 2022 - Being Gentle with Yourself

I believe that this time of year (the "Back to School" season) is the best time to be extra-gentle with yourself.

Any kind of transition in life can be challenging, and this transition into a new school year is no exception. This month, I invite you to put less pressure on yourself, both personally and professionally.

Consider giving yourself more grace when you hit the inevitable bumps in the road, & perhaps this will help you navigate them more smoothly.

July 2022 - Joy & Play

July 2022 - Joy & Play

It is the peak of summer and its accompanying warm weather and sunshine -- what better time than now to embrace joy? This month's invitation is to intentionally make space for lightness, playfulness, joy, and laughter. Remember that we NEED to embrace these nourishing moments of joy when they arise, so that having done so can SUSTAIN US for the more challenging moments in life.

June 2022 - Rest & Relaxation

June 2022 - Rest & Relaxation

Just a moment ago, as I sat down to write these words, I breathed a big SIGH. Then I realized that this is exactly how June feels - like releasing a big sigh of relief.

My invitation to you this June is to let the inevitable downshifting into summer vacation mode happen naturally. Luxuriate in laziness. Seek only what restores you and fills you up. Indulge your senses in the bounty of all that summer has to offer and ENJOY.

May 2022 - Letting Go

May 2022 - Letting Go

What are you carrying on your metaphorical shoulders right now that is feeling rather heavy? Reflecting on this question invites more clarity, which helps us to make that first step toward letting go of what no longer serves us.

This doesn't have to be be some epic shift.

Letting go can be momentary or sustained.

It's about giving yourself permission to set down (even if only temporarily) what is feeling burdensome. Then you can pick it back up again, if you choose. Or wait a while.

Or never pick it back up again.